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6v6 Flag Football



Must have 5 players for the game to be legal.


4 players can start the game and pick up 2 players to add on.  If one team doesn't have 5 players by half time it is a forfeit and the winning team will be awarded a 28-0 score. Opposite team captain has option to allow 5 mins for opposite team to field 5 players or take the Win (if captain allows the 5 mins the late team forfeits its 2 T.O.'s for half NO EXCEPTIONS.  IF both teams do not have 5 players game ends in tie 0-0.

A coin toss determines 1st possession. Winner of coin toss has three options, Offense, Defense, or Defer.

The offensive team takes possession at the five yard line and has four plays to reach or cross mid-field. Once team a crosses mid-field they have four plays to score.  Offensive team has option on fourth down to punt to 5-yard line or go for first down.  If offensive team fails to cross mid-field, the ball changes possession and goes to where the ball was marked short of first down.  If ball is Turned over inside Defenses 5 yard line ball comes out to 5 yards line. 





  • Each team must have a minimum of 2 females on field at all times. 

  • If team has less than 2 females on field there will be a 15 yard penalty for Unsportsmanlike penalty.  If team is unable to field 2 females due to injury, etc. team will forfeit game.

  • a female must act as an operative player within every 3 downs.




  • A person that pass is intended for

  • Runs the ball as primary runner (must cross line of scrimmage)

  • Receives the snap as the QB and must attempt to be the person who initiates the ball crossing the line of scrimmage

  • Passes caught by females of a deflected ball off a male will count toward operative player play rule.





  • Teams must wear the same color shirts by Week 1. Shirts must have numbers on it. Numbers must match name on team roster. We will minus 2 pts per player not wearing the same color shirt that enters play of field. 




  • Game clock is 40 minutes long. Two 20 minute halves and 3-minute halftime.

  • Each team has two 1 minute timeouts PER HALF.

  • The clock will be a running clock in the first half and can only be stopped with T.O. or Referee stoppage.

  • In the second half the game clock will run continuously for the first 18 minutes unless a team timeout or an officials timeout is used.

  • The two minute warning will stop the clock in the second half if the score difference is 16 points or less.

  • The head official will give a verbal two-minute warning only in the second half.

  • In the last two minutes of the second half teams have the option for an onside kick if they have a T.O. remaining they may inform the official they wish to Onside kick if team is within 16 pts or less .

  • On side kicks will be from the 5 -yard line and the offense has one offensive play to cross midfield. If Offense crosses midfield or has a penalty resulting in an automatic first down the offense will continue with its possession.

  • If on side is unsuccessful defense will take possession at spot of downed ball, or incomplete pass ball comes back to 5 yard line




Schedules will be made for 1st 3 weeks and will not change unless team captains agree to switch.  You must let me know when you want your bye week before schedule is out.  Will try best my best to accommodate everyone's schedules, but understand you may have to play a schedule not at a time you're accustomed too.  If a team fails to show up 2 weeks in a row they will be removed from schedule and will have to pay a 200 fee to comeback on the schedule.  If ANY PERSON/TEAM fights they will be out of the league and the team will have to pay a 100 fee to be put back on schedule, we are here to play football not FIGHT PERIOD.





  • The quarterback may not run unless the ball has been thrown back, handed or pitched to him or her in the backfield.

  • Teams may handoff (unlimited), pitch, or throw back in the backfield. There is one run play allowed per 1st down, Unless in NO RUN ZONEUNLIMITED laterals or throwbacks behind the LOS are allowed for the player to remain eligible to pass. 

  • Pitching (backwards/laterally) is allowed downfield (unlimited).  Handoffs are allowed in front or behind.  A handoff DOES NOT count as a lateral/throwback. 

  • No run zones are located 5-yards before mid-field and 5-yards before the end zone. You may not run the ball in the no run zone (5-yards before the first down and end zone), only forward passes beyond the L.O.S. are allowed.

  • Ball is spotted where the ball is at the time of the flag pull. The ball must break the plane of the midfield or goal line to be considered a first down or touchdown.

  • Players may NOT block down field in any form.

  • The hiker is the only person allowed to block the blitzer



  • The quarterback has 5 seconds to pass the ball if there is no BLITZ. If the ball is not thrown, then the play is dead. After the ball is ruled dead it is returned to the line of scrimmage.

  •  If the defensive team blitzes, then there is no 5 second count.

  • There is no arm in motion, if the ball is in hand when the quarterback's flag is pulled then it will be ruled a sack.

  • Interceptions may be returned.

  • The rusher may not have contact with the QB (no hitting the QB arm or knocking the ball out of the QB hand) it will be considered a judgement call depending on the intent of Defense.

  • If ANY part of the players body is behind the LOS it is a legal pass.



  • All players are eligible to receive a pass, including the quarterback, if the ball has been pitched or handed off in the backfield.

  • Players must have at least one foot in bounds when making a catch.

  • Recievers that run in front of a Blitzer will be called for impeding Blitzer including the center, even in a bunch formation recievers must not run in front of blitzer.





  • Players that blitz/rush the QB must be a minimum of 5 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.

  • The 5 yards will be measured by the referee.

  • Players that are not 5 yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped may not enter into the backfield until there is a change of possession.

  • The blitzer is allowed a direct lane to the QB as long as he/she rushes from either side of the center THERE IS NO BULLRUSHING ALLOWED. The recievers must avoid interfering with the blitzer if he/she has established a lane. ​

  • There is only one Blitzer allowed, if two blitzers cross the L.O.S. it will be a penalty, only one defender is allowed to cross L.O.S. unless there is a double pitch behind the L.O.S.

  • The rush of a blitzer has to be immediately after the snap, quick and straight towards the point where the QB receives the snap in order to retain the right of way. If a blitzer is rushing late, slowly, aiming at another spot, changing direction during the rush or just does not rush the QB, the player loses the right of way but still can participate as any other defensive player.




  • Contacting receivers is allowed within 5 yards of L.O.S.

  • Defense must allow the offense player to go 1 yard upfield before they can make a contact.

  • Pass interference normally occurs above the waist; entangled feet are not considered pass interference.

  • Incidental contact is not considered pass interference (judgement call).

  • A player may "find" their opponent by reaching out and placing a hand on them as long as touching does not delay, impede, twist, or turn their opponent. This is not considered pass interference.

  • A player may use their arms or hands to intentionally obstruct the receiver's view (face guarding) of the ball without turning their own head to play the ball as long as noteworthy contact is not made with the receiver.

  • If defensive pass interference occurs in the end zone the ball will be placed on the one-yard line, automatic first down.

  • Interceptions may be returned.

  • Interceptions in the end zone that are not returned pass the 5 yard line the field will result in a touchback and the ball will be spotted on the 5-yard line.

  • Contact away from the direction of the pass is not considered pass interference but may be considered illegal contact.

  • Whether a pass is catchable or uncatchable has no bearing on pass interference or illegal contact. The benefit of the doubt is given to the receiver.

  • Examples of pass interference include:​

    • Playing through the back.

    • Hook and turn: grabbing the torso and turning an opponent before the pass arrives.

    • Arm bars, hooking, restricting, grabbing wrists, or turning a receiver. Blocking downfield before the ball has been touched, commonly seen through "pick plays".

  • Shoving or pushing off to create separation.​


















  • Following a touchdown, once the scoring team has informed an official of which point conversion choice they want to attempt, the decision cannot be changed unless the scoring team uses a team timeout.

  • If a penalty occurs during an extra point attempt, the penalty will be assessed but the extra point value remains the same. 

  • Decisions cannot be changed after a penalty. For example, if the offense attempts a 1-point PAT and is penalized five yards for a false start, they cannot change their mind and go for a 2-point PAT. They will still be attempting a 1-point try even if they call a timeout.

  • Defensive unsportsmanlike conduct, personal fouls, or roughing penalties during a successful touchdown attempt will be assessed at half the distance to the goal during the PAT attempt (e.g., 2-point PAT attempts will be spotted at the 6-yard line, 1-point PAT attempts will be spotted at the 2.5-yard line). All other defensive penalties may be declined by the offense and the score will stand.

  • Dead ball fouls committed by the offense that do not carry a loss-of-down penalty (false start) may result in penalty yardage assessed and the down replayed.

  • Fouls by the offense during a successful PAT attempt that carry a loss-of-down penalty (flag guarding, illegal advancement, illegal forward pass etc.) will result in the PAT being no good.

  • Fouls committed by the offense in unsuccessful PAT attempts will be declined by the defense and the PAT will be "no good" and will not be replayed.

  • Fouls by the defense during an unsuccessful PAT attempt will result in a retry after the options are administered.

  • If the PAT-attempting team throws an interception and then commits a flagrant foul after the interception during the attempted return (physically contains the ball carrier; bear hugs, aggressively holds, tackles, etc. without making a clear, legal attempt to pull the ball carrier's flag, the ball carrier will be awarded three points.




  • A coin flip determines first possession, 1 timeout per OT period

  • Teams will go in reverse order if more then 1 OT is required

  • Teams can elect to go for 1 or 2 points

  • In second O.T. Teams will have to go for 2 points

  • If O.T. goes into third O.T. teams will have one possesion from 5 yard line and we will play farthest yard from L.O.S. will win, if there is a tie, 

  • Winner will be determined once the value of the extra point exceeds the other team's attempt.




  • All penalties inside of 2 minutes of BOTH halves remain the same except:​​

    • Defensive delay of game (+15 yards Unsportsmanlike and AFD)​

    • Intentional Offensive delay of game (-15 yards Unsportsmanlike and LOD + clock stops)

    • Offensive Pre-snap penalties - yardage + LOD + clock stops



















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