7's Contact Rules
Field: One hundred 100 x 50 yards.
The field will be marked at the GOALINE, BOTH 20 and 40 yard lines. The End Zone will be 10 yards in length.
There will be field markings for ex pts marked by an X.
There will also be field marking in the middle of the filed for designated no run zones for running.
All games must start on time. Team captains will report 2 mins prior for coin toss, the clock will start on time if the team is not on field by 5 mins of start of the game opposing team can take an 9 point penalty or the forfeit.
If a team does not have 5 players to start the game and 6 players by half time the game will be a 28 -0 forfeit.
A coin flip will decide who gets a choice.
The Team Captain that wins the coin flip must determine Offense, Defense, Defer to 2nd half.
Play-Off Eligibility: Each player must participate in four (4) regular season games to be eligible for all Play-Offs. Each player must sign in before every game he participates in.​
Teams must wear same color shirt/jerseys by week 2. Teams will be minus 2 pts for every team member that enters the field of play without the same color that is designated to be team colors.
The Flag Belt: All shirts must be tucked in and are not permitted to hang over the flag belt. It is up to referee descretion to determine if the shirt was pulled out during the play and therefore there would be no penalty and the player will be advised to tuck in shirt.
Game clock is 40 minutes long. It will consist of two 20 minute halves with a 3 min halftime.
Each team will have two 1 minute timeouts per half.
The clock will be a running clock in the 1st half and can only be stopped with a T.O. or Referee stoppage
In the second half the game clock will run continuously for the first 18 minutes unless a team uses a T.O. or an officials T.O. is used.
The Two minute warning will stop the clock
If at the two minute warning of the second half the game score is within 18 pts the game clock will turn from a running clock into a regulation clock.
The Head official will give a verbal two minute warning.
In the last two minutes a team is allowed to use an onside kick, and must let the Head Referee know before the opposing team has snapped the ball. (Teams must be down 18 pts or less)
The offense will start on the 20 yard line. No kickoffs to start the game.
Line of Scrimmage: The offensive team must have a center to snap (from the ground) the ball to the quarterback. ALL BLITZERS MUST start from outside the run box, no blitzing up the middle. Ball is always placed in the middle of the run box but may be snapped from anywhere in the run box.
The offense must start with 3 down linemen on every play.
You have 4 downs to make a 1st down
There will be one first down marker at the opposing teams 40 yardline.
Motion: All players can move before the snap of the ball, but, everyone must stop for at least one (1) second and only one person can be moving laterally prior to snap.
Loss of Flag: If the official spots an offensive player without two flags before the start of a play, he will notify player and instruct player to find their flag without before down starts. But if the flag is lost accidentally during a play, that player can be downed by one hand touch or pulling of the other flag.
Stiff Arming: The use of "stiff arming" of any type to stop an opponent from de-flagging you is illegal. You cannot protect your flag with your arms (down at the spot of the foul)
ONSIDE KICK, if a team is scores and is losing it may elect to onside kick providing the team has a T.O.
Onside Kicks start from your own 20 yard line and you will have one play to get past the opponents 40 yard line to have a successful onside kick and continue the drive
Extra points will be worth 1 point from the 5 yard line, 2 points from the 10 yard line, or 3 points from the 20 yard line
Once the ball is spotted for an extra point attempt it cannot be changed unless a team uses a timeout
The Quarterback may run without handing off the ball outside of the run box.
Teams may handoff, pitch, or throw back in the backfield.
All run plays must go outside the run box before the ball is allowed to be advanced.
Run plays are unlimited
Pitching (backwards/laterally) is allowed downfield (unlimited)
Ball is spotted where the ball is at time of flag pull. The Ball must break the plane of the first down markers or goaline to be considered a first down or Touchdown.
Blocking: Arms must be extended with no pushing motion. ALL blocks must be shoulders or below. Blocking down field is okay with arms extended. Player cannot push another player to the ground intentionally while blocking. "NO FOREARM RIPS". "NO BLINDSIDE BLOCKING or CUT BLOCKS ON THE L.O.S. Depending on severity of block it could lead to ejection (It will be up to referees discretion)
Backward Pass and Fumbles: If a player throws a backward pass and it hits the ground the ball is down at the spot. If a player fumbles, the ball is down at the spot. Team that had possession keeps it.
Everyone is allowed to block downfield except the ball carrier, NO BLINDSIDE BLOCKS ARE ALLOWED AND A 15 YARD UNSPORTSMANLIKE PENALTY, and also up to an ejection depending on the severity of the act.
There is no arm in motion, if the ball is in hand of the Quarterback when the flag is pulled then it will be ruled as a sack
All rushers may not have contact with the quarterback from the shoulder/arm area and above even if its accidental.
If any part of the passer is behind the Line of Scrimmage it is a Legal forward pass
ALL players are eligible to receive the ball, The three down linemen must take a step ahead of the Line of Scrimmage to be eligible to receive the ball
Players must have one foot inbounds when making a catch for it to be legal. If the ball is caught simultaneously, the ball belongs to the team that snapped it.
Jumping: A player may leap into the air to avoid being de-flagged, but may not hurdle a defender that is directly in front of him (It will be at the referees discretion)
Everyone is allowed to block downfield except the ball carrier, NO BLINDSIDE BLOCKS ARE ALLOWED AND A 15 YARD UNSPORTSMANLIKE PENALTY, and also up to an ejection depending on the severity of the act
Offensive pass interference is a fifteen (15) yards from the line of scrimmage and L.O.D.
The team will have the option to punt on 4th down, no fake punts, teams must kick the ball on punts. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MOVE when PUNTING until the PUNT is on its way.
​On punts defense must have 4 down linemen and the offense must have 3 down linemen.
If the punt lands inside of the 20 yard line it will come back to the 20 yard line.
If a punt is muffed it will be down at spot of muffed punt​
Celebration, Taunting and/or Swearing
Celebrating is okay as long as it is not directed towards the opposing players and/or sideline.
Taunting and/or Swearing at an opposing player and/or sideline is prohibited. 1st Offence 15 yards, 2nd Offence 15 yards and loss of down and the individual is ejected from the game.
Defensive players must rush from the outside of the "NO RUN ZONE". Blitzers must be outside of "NO RUN ZONE' before heading for the quarterback
BLITZERS must start on the outside shoulder of the blockers and must not make contact w neck or head area.
Diving for Flags: Diving for flags is allowed from side to side, not from the front or behind of the ball carrier. This will result in a fifteen (15) yard penalty.
Break Away Runs - If the defender that dives from behind (& gets the flag) is the last defender then it is an automatic Touchdown.
Obstructing the Runner: A defensive player should not hold, grasp, or obstruct the forward progress of the runner when attempting to remove the flag ((5) yard penalty from the infraction). If the penalized defender is the last player it will result in an automatic touchdown.
Other Infractions: Including, but not limited to, punch, strike, strip, steal or attempt to take the ball away from the ball carrier is illegal
Tripping, pushing an opponent to the ground, hit/throw a runner to the ground is a penalty
Deliberately driving or running into a defensive player, clipping an opponent, hitting from the blind side of a player, or tackling a player will result in fifteen (15) yard penalty.
Pass Interference: It is pass interference if a receiver is contacted before they can catch the ball when the ball is in the air, face guarding is allowed (it doesn't matter if ball is catchable)
Illegal contact: defender may not touch the receiver after five (5) yards from the line of scrimmage.
Safety: If the ball carrier is deflagged inside their own Endzone it is a safety (2 points) for the other team. The opposing team will proceed to have the ball at their own twenty yard line. Exception - on interceptions, the ball carrier may return it out of the end zone. It is a touchback when the ball carrier is downed in the end zone and the
Over-Time (Tie Game)
Each team will have one play to score. They can choose to go for 1pt from the 5 yard line,2 pts from the 10 yard line or 3 pts from the 20 yard line.
If both are tied by the first overtime there will be a second overtime. In the second overtime both teams must go for at least 2 or can go for 3. If the score is tied by the second overtime there will be a third overtime.
The third overtime will start from the offensive 20 yard line on the offensive side of the field and we will play farthest yard wins. If there is a tie after that we will continue with the same process as the third overtime rules until there is a winner.
TOUCHDOWN = 6 Points
EXTRA PTS = 5 Yards - 1 Pt
10 Yards - 2 Pt
20 Yards - 3 Pt
Defensive Conversion on extra pt attempt - 3 Pt